About the IWG
The Inequality Working Group is part of the Young Scholar's Initiative at the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET). Our group brings together both graduate and undergraduate students interested in researching topics at the intersection of inequality and economics.
The IWG helps connect several local student groups and invidual students from across the globe by supporting and organizing events such as reading groups, seminars, online webinars, workshops, lectures, and conferences.
You can read more about the IWG's various initiatives here. If you would like to join the Inequality Working Group, please sign up via the YSI website. If you have any questions, or would like to make suggestions or contributions to our website, please get in touch via the feedback form below.

Inequality Working Group Organizers

Tahnee Ooms is a PhD candidate at the University of Oxford and INET-Oxford. Her research sets out to identify mechanisms through which capital incomes feed back into rising overall income and wealth inequality.

Farah Khan works as a Research Analyst at the World Bank country office in Islamabad. During her Masters at New York University, she wrote a dissertation on domestic institutional quality and income inequality. She hopes to do a PhD in the topic in the near future.

Sarah Thomas is a graduate student at NYU. Her main area of research is in economic thought and pedagogy, but she is also interested in the links between education and inequality.

Marco Ranaldi is a PhD student at the Paris School of Economics and teaching assistant at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. His main research topics are the theory of income distribution and the political business cycle, both from a purely theoretical perspective.

Giacomo is currently an MPhil candidate in Economic and Social History at the University of Oxford. His current research focuses on measuring and understanding wellbeing, poverty, and inequality in Fascist Italy.

Marc Morgan attended the INET Paris conference, as well as, the YSI Budapest Plenary where he presented his research on top incomes in Brazil. He is currently in his second year of a PhD at the Paris School of Economics.