The Intervention Paradox: A Study of the Effects of International Monetary Fund Intervention on Ineq
Summary: "This presentation seeks to analyze the impact that International Monetary Fund (IMF) policy prescriptions have had on income...
The Determinants of Education Loans: Evidence from the 2013 Survey of Consumer Finances
The Point: This empirical analysis explores the household characteristics that predict the presence, magnitude, and deferral of...
Dual-Polarization Box and Economic Regimes
Summary: The present study has the objective to compare different capitalist systems by focusing on specific distributional features of...
Movements against Economic Inequality under Twenty-First Century Capitalism
Questions: Now that inequality in the U.S. has returned to levels not seen since The Gilded Age and the country has experienced another...
Party ideology and policies where corruption is widespread: evidence from local governments
The Point: This paper studies the effect of mayors aligned with a centre left presidential coalition on policy outcomes and corruption....
Same Education, different labour market?
The Point: This paper analyzes the direct effect of social origin on the labour market outcomes of graduates in Italy. While there are...
Income inequality and income segregation: the case of metropolitan Lima
The Point: Research on inequality should seek to discover the structures that prevent people from leading the kind of life they ‘have...
Disentangling women's participation in research and its relation to economic development
Summary: It is generally argued that employment is gendered biased. Women not only are underrepresented in the paid labour force, but...
Beyond Kuznets: Inequality and the size and distribution of cities
The Point: One major characteristic of the process of economic development is the movement of people from rural to urban areas. As a...
The Impact of a Carbon Tax on Inequality in the United States
The Question: Does a carbon tax necessarily exacerbate existing inequality? The Point: Climate change and economic inequality are...